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The Master Key System

The Master Key System ===>

Creating the most secure and effective key control for your organization includes a few different components. One of those is your master key system. Master keys provide high-level access and streamlined day-to-day key management for employees and stakeholders who need to be able to easily open many doors.

While a master key traditionally refers to a key that can open all doors or access points in a building, the capabilities with master keys have changed to include differing levels of master key access. This allows organizations with many locations to provide different Facilities Managers or LP/AP/Security Managers with only the access they need for their building or area, while limiting unnecessary access at higher levels. For companies with many locations and employees managing each location separately, like grocery or big box retail and vendor keys for restaurant chains, using master keys is necessary to avoid having dozens if not hundreds of keys per location to keep track of.

Your master key system is a part of your larger key control. Like the user keys you hand out to employees, there are some best practices to put into place with your master keys. Restricted keys, user-rekeyable cores, and key tracking software can help to enhance the security of your master key system and there is money to be saved on rekeys. With a master key system, there is a risk of needing a complete rekey of a facility or facilities in the event a high-level master key is lost or stolen. Having user-rekeyable cores allows locks to be rekeyed only on the master level affected. This would be a significant reduction in rekey costs.

Maintaining security in the retail industry is a large component to your loss prevention program. Without strong physical security practices, your products and people may be at risk for security breaches and leave you open to organized retail crime. Enhancing and maintaining your keyed security includes how well your retail operations are utilizing a master key system.

A master key system includes all the various master keys used within your organization. A master key is a high-access-level key cut that can open all or some of the locks installed at a location or across many locations. Master keys are typically distributed to facility managers, general managers, or other employees who need higher-level access to many doors throughout the location they manage. Master keys are not meant for wide distribution, as the more people who have high access the more opportunities there are for a serious security breach if a master key is lost or stolen.

Master keys can be an easy and effective way to maintain security and grant specific levels of access to management employees while limiting access for lower-level employees. This is particularly relevant for large retail operations with a number of locations or locations with many keyed different doors. Master keys allow specific managers to have complete access to all the doors in their retail location while not having any access to the one across town or to all their locations in a specific area. Master keys come in a variety of levels, which means that your area or corporate managers can have wider access than a location-specific manager who has more access than an employee without any master key access.

Master key systems have different levels of master key access in order to provide the most functionality to your organizational needs. Here are some of the levels of key usage included in a master key system:

Key tracking is a necessary part of maintaining your master key system and physical security. Every key that you distribute to any employee throughout your retail operation should be tracked, including all master keys. Key tracking software that is designed to support the organization of locks, keys, users, and locations is the best option for efficiently managing your key control.

Your master keys are a part of your larger organizational key control. Key control includes all the management, distribution, and tracking of every lock, key, and user in your retail organization. Implementing key control best practices throughout your retail locations is the most effective way to maintain physical security and prevent loss. The locks and keys being used throughout your retail organization can either contribute to your loss prevention by limiting access to only those who need it or they can hinder your loss prevention efforts with inefficiencies that lead to frequent security breaches and affect your bottom line.

Many customers whose business plan requires the management of a large keying system prefer to bring the expertise in-house, or alternatively delegate the management to entities (like national service providers) that in turn, manage locksmiths.

The actual cuts or combination of a key is called the key bitting. A list of all key combinations and key references is called a bitting list. (Figure 1) A matrix of numbers that displays all possible key combinations in a keying system is called a key bitting array. (Figure 2) A bitting list or key bitting array is a means of generating key combinations.

At the heart of any means to generate key combinations is the key bitting array. Once a group of locks have been keyed to a specific key bitting array, all expansion relating to the system must comply with the parameters included the same key bitting array. By itself the key bitting array cannot reveal how a specific key is cut or a lock cylinder is to be keyed.

The described keying services rely on a unique list of keying combinations referred to as a bitting list. The locksmith has invested ______ hours at $________ per hours of administrative time to develop a bitting list and basic key records. These key control records reside with the locksmith so that the keying system can be properly maintained.

1. While incidents are rare, lock cylinders or cores that are master keyed can be attacked, resulting in the unauthorized origination of the Top Master Key (the highest master key in the system). The only known prevention from such an attack is the conversion of lock cylinders or cores to those that feature patented-controlled key stock. This type of key stock is not readily available to unauthorized sources. This prevention remains effective during the life of the patent.

4. Rekey services have been requested. Part of that service is to account for existing keys and develop a system that limits as much as possible existing keys being operational in the new system. This is not always possible, as the locksmith may not have access to all existing keys or keys from a pre-existing system.

6. The organization of change keys and master keys is pre-planned including future expansion that is sometimes necessary. If another locksmith is asked to expand the organization or create additional key combinations without consulting the original system, all warranties regarding the integrity of the key organization are voided.

The Master Key System is a self help book by American author and philosopher Charles F. Haanel, first published in 1916. It was originally published as a 24 week correspondence course in 1912 and contains many new thought concepts such as the law of attraction, and creative visualisation. Each chapter contains a section to read, an exercise towards the end, followed by a section with questions and answers. It has had a huge influence on successive New Thought writers, particularly those preaching 'Prosperity Consciousness.' The 'Law of Attraction' is at the heart of Haanel's system, but it was also influenced by beliefs such as Hinduism, Freemasonry, Rosicrucianism, Theosophy, and Christianity.

The password that is used to encrypt the master key in the database. password must meet the Windows password policy requirements of the computer that is running the instance of SQL Server. password is optional in SQL Database and Azure Synapse Analytics.

The database master key is a symmetric key used to protect the private keys of certificates and asymmetric keys that are present in the database. When it is created, the master key is encrypted by using the AES_256 algorithm and a user-supplied password. In SQL Server 2008 (10.0.x) and SQL Server 2008 R2 (10.50.x), the Triple DES algorithm is used. To enable the automatic decryption of the master key, a copy of the key is encrypted by using the service master key and stored in both the database and in master. Typically, the copy stored in master is silently updated whenever the master key is changed. This default can be changed by using the DROP ENCRYPTION BY SERVICE MASTER KEY option of ALTER MASTER KEY. A master key that is not encrypted by the service master key must be opened by using the OPEN MASTER KEY statement and a password.

For SQL Server and Parallel Data Warehouse, the master key is typically protected by the service master key and at least one password. In case of the database being physically moved to a different server (log shipping, restoring backup, etc.), the database will contain a copy of the master key encrypted by the original server service master key (unless this encryption was explicitly removed using ALTER MASTER KEY DDL), and a copy of it encrypted by each password specified during either CREATE MASTER KEY or subsequent ALTER MASTER KEY DDL operations. In order to recover the master key, and all the data encrypted using the master key as the root in the key hierarchy after the database has been moved, the user will have either use OPEN MASTER KEY statement using one of the passwords used to protect the master key, restore a backup of the master key, or restore a backup of the original service master key on the new server.

For SQL Database and Azure Synapse Analytics, the password protection is not considered to be a safety mechanism to prevent a data loss scenario in situations where the database may be moved from one server to another, as the service master key protection on the master key is managed by Microsoft Azure platform. Therefore, the master key password is optional in SQL Database and Azure Synapse Analytics. 59ce067264


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