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Buy Pure Nitrogen

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Buy Pure Nitrogen

Lucky Gupta Agarwal (33), who wanted a painless death and searched the internet for an easy method to end his life, bought a small nitrogen cylinder and inhaled the gas by using a mask at his apartment.

According to Dr RK Singal, head (internal medicine) at BLK Super Specialty Hospital in the capital, nitrogen gas can prove catastrophic and fatal if inhaled in large quantity because body will be left oxygen-deprived.

Due to its inert nature, gaseous nitrogen can be used across various purging, blanketing, and flushing operations. Depending on the type of process involved, different grades of nitrogen purity are needed to fulfill unique manufacturing needs.

Nitrogen gas purity refers to the proportion of a nitrogen gas that is present in a sample taken from its stream when compared to impurities present. Nitrogen gas can be categorized as high purity or low purity depending on the ratio of pure gas to the contaminants like oxygen, water vapor, carbon monoxide, and carbon dioxide.

The purity of a sample of nitrogen gas is determined by the percentage/concentration of pure nitrogen in it. For gas to be classified as high purity, it must possess at least 99.998 percent nitrogen while lower purity nitrogen gas usually contains a higher proportion of impurities.

Ultra-high purity nitrogen gas refers to a nitrogen gas concentration of 99.999% with negligible impurities. UHP nitrogen specifications are strict with variations rendering the classification invalid.

The oxygen content of UHP gas can be no greater than 2 parts per million by volume (ppmv), total hydrocarbons cannot exceed 0.5 parts per million by volume, and moisture no greater than 1 part per million by volume). UHP nitrogen gas is typically used in scientific applications.

Oxygen-free nitrogen is defined as gaseous nitrogen-containing no more than 0.5 parts per million of oxygen. OFN gas is typically maintained at 99.998% purity. This grade of nitrogen gas is useful in scientific research and calibration processes where oxygen impurities might alter outcomes or cause incorrect results.

As mentioned above, the concentration of nitrogen required in different industrial processes varies greatly. The key consideration in choosing a grade of nitrogen is the effect of impurities on the selected application. Sensitivity to moisture, oxygen, and other contaminants are critical factors to consider.

Nitrogen is commonly used in different steps of food/beverage production, packaging, and storage. Nitrogen in food packaging and processing is used to preserve the shelf life of processed food/drinks by eliminating food oxidants, preserving flavor, and preventing rancidity. Food-grade nitrogen gas requirements typically fall between 98-99.5% purity.

Pharmaceutical manufacturing processes require high levels of purity to prevent contamination and alteration of their final products. Many drugs require high-grade nitrogen with a purity between 97-99.99%. This high to ultra-high purity nitrogen is used for nitrogen blanketing storage tanks, receptacles, and other equipment used in drug manufacturing.

Gaseous nitrogen with purity levels ranging from 95-99% is useful in the oil and gas industry to reduce the risk of fires and explosions in associated processes. Chemical storage tank inerting and pipeline purging with gaseous nitrogen helps minimize the risk of sudden combustion of their contents.

The typical nitrogen grade requirements in electronics and semiconductor production are usually at least 99.99-99.999%. Some processes like parts cleaning and adhesive blanketing utilize lower concentrations of nitrogen (95-99.5%).

At NiGen, we supply and maintain efficient onsite nitrogen generators suited to various industrial manufacturing processes. Our wide range of products and services ensure all your nitrogen requirements are fulfilled at each stage of your production cycle.

GAS CAN NOT BE SHIPPED OUT OF AUSTRALIAHolding the same weight of gas as nearly 70 of the 16g CO2 bulbs or 140 of the 2g nitrogen bulbs these are a good investment for folks who go through a higher volume of beer or coffee, especially if you want something more portable than a full-size refillable nitrogen or CO2 gas bottle which weigh in excess of 10kg.

Beer gas is used typically when serving a nitrogenated style beer, such as Guinness or Boddingtons, out of a stout faucet. Beer gas will help to carbonate the liquid since there is a small amount of CO2 in the gas, but since the majority of the gas is nitrogen, you will be able to serve at high pressures through a stout faucet without pouring a full glass of foam. Pure nitrogen will not carbonate your liquids like CO2 will. Also, having CO2 in your gas will help to give your pour that nice cascading effect that everyone loves seeing in a freshly poured pint of Guinness.

In the end, we have learned it is just better to use 100% pure nitrogen when serving cold brew coffee on draft. You want to enjoy that rich flavorful cold brew coffee, without compromising the flavor or mouth-feel by using beer gas. There is nothing worse than making a large batch of cold brew coffee and having it get ruined by CO2! The one, and really only drawback to using pure nitrogen is that you usually have to keep your nitro coffee under pressure for a longer period of time to establish that rich, frothy head on your pours. We typically leave our keg in refrigerated temperatures, at 35-55 PSI for 24-48 hours before serving and we get a great pour every time!

Inert gas asphyxiation is a form of asphyxiation which results from breathing a physiologically inert gas in the absence of oxygen, or a low amount of oxygen,[1] rather than atmospheric air (which is composed largely of nitrogen and oxygen). Examples of physiologically inert gases, which have caused accidental or deliberate death by this mechanism, are argon, helium, nitrogen and methane. The term "physiologically inert" is used to indicate a gas which has no toxic or anesthetic properties and does not act upon the heart or hemoglobin. Instead, the gas acts as a simple diluent to reduce oxygen concentration in inspired gas and blood to dangerously low levels, thereby eventually depriving all cells in the body of oxygen.[2]

According to the U.S. Chemical Safety and Hazard Investigation Board, in humans, "breathing an oxygen deficient atmosphere can have serious and immediate effects, including unconsciousness after only one or two breaths. The exposed person has no warning and cannot sense that the oxygen level is too low." In the US, at least 80 people died from accidental nitrogen asphyxiation between 1992 and 2002.[3] Hazards with inert gases and the risks of asphyxiation are well established.[4]

An occasional cause of accidental death in humans, inert gas asphyxia with gases including helium, nitrogen, methane and argon has been used as a suicide method. Inert gas asphyxia has been advocated by proponents of euthanasia, using a gas-retaining plastic hood device colloquially referred to as a suicide bag.

When humans breathe in an asphyxiant gas, such as pure nitrogen, helium, neon, argon, methane, or any other physiologically inert gas, they exhale carbon dioxide without re-supplying oxygen. Physiologically inert gases (those that have no toxic effect, but merely dilute oxygen) are generally free of odor and taste. Accordingly, the human subject detects little abnormal sensation as the oxygen level falls. This leads to asphyxiation (death from lack of oxygen) without the painful and traumatic feeling of suffocation (the hypercapnic alarm response, which in humans arises mostly from carbon dioxide levels rising), or the side effects of poisoning. In scuba diving rebreather accidents, there is often little sensation, however, a slow decrease in oxygen breathing gas content has effects which are quite variable.[5] By contrast, suddenly breathing pure inert gas causes oxygen levels in the blood to fall precipitously, and may lead to unconsciousness in only a few breaths, with no symptoms at all.[3]

A typical human breathes between 12 and 20 times per minute at a rate influenced primarily by carbon dioxide concentration, and thus pH, in the blood. With each breath, a volume of about 0.6 litres is exchanged from an active lung volume of about three litres. The normal composition of the Earth's atmosphere is about 78% nitrogen, 21% oxygen, and 1% argon, carbon dioxide, and other gases. After just two or three breaths of nitrogen, the oxygen concentration in the lungs would be low enough for some oxygen already in the bloodstream to exchange back to the lungs and be eliminated by exhalation.

Controlled atmosphere killing (CAK) or controlled atmosphere stunning (CAS) is a method for slaughtering or stunning animals such as swine, poultry,[10] or cane toads by placing the animals in a container in which the atmosphere lacks oxygen and consists of an asphyxiant gas (one or more of argon, nitrogen or carbon dioxide), causing the animals to lose consciousness. Argon and nitrogen are important components of a gassing process which seem to cause no pain, and for this reason many consider some types of controlled atmosphere killing more humane than other methods of killing.[11][12] However, "stunning" is most often done using carbon dioxide.[13][14] If carbon dioxide is used, controlled atmosphere killing is not the same as inert gas asphyxia, because carbon dioxide at high concentrations (above 5%) is not biologically inert, but rather is toxic and also produces initial distress in some animal species.[15] The addition of toxic carbon dioxide to hypoxic atmospheres used in slaughter without animal distress is a complex and highly species-specific matter, which also depends on concentration of carbon dioxide.[16][17][18]

Diving animals such as rats and minks and burrowing animals are sensitive to low-oxygen atmospheres and (unlike humans) will avoid them, making purely hypoxic techniques possibly inhumane[citation needed] for them. For this reason, the use of inert gas (hypoxic) atmospheres (without CO2) for euthanasia is also species-specific.[6][19] 59ce067264


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