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Beenie Man - The Doctor

Beenie Man - The Doctor ->->->->

Beenie Man - The Doctor

Both he and his doctor appeared in a video shared on social media explaining the importance of him resting his foot, as well as the potential consequences of not doing so. Although the injury occurred last month when a taxi collided with a bike Beenie was on, it is an issue now because he did not take time off back then; and by not doing so, he has made the wound worse.

Allen C., twenty-two, said that he was arrested and charged with buggery after someone reported to the police having observed him having sex with another man. He was taken to the police station, where police officers urged him to confess to a charge of buggery while beating him with a stick and chanting "buggery fi dead" [people who commit buggery should be killed]. The police told him that he would be examined by a doctor in the rape unit to see if he was the receiving partner in anal intercourse. He was placed in a jail cell, where he was cursed out as a "battyman" by other inmates. When he was released to the custody of his mother, the police ensured that the abuse would continue: when Allen C. left the station, they announced the charges to people outside.

Human Rights Watch learned that some doctors who treated people living with HIV/AIDS failed to conduct adequate medical exams or even to touch them, and that clinic staff had refused to register people living with HIV/AIDS for admission. Men who have sex with men also told Human Rights Watch that they had been denied health care treatment.

The doctor that came to see him knows me and my work [with people living with HIV/AIDS] and said at once, "this is a positive person." . . . I said we found him on the road, I think he has some sores on his penis. The doctor put on gloves, did a chest exam, peeled off that set [of gloves], did an abdomen exam, peeled off that set . . . and I was saying, there is something wrong with his penis. You need to look at him. [The patient] said he has sores on it and hasn't urinated in a while. And he has this smell coming from his genitals. The doctor wouldn't look at it. . . .

When Leroy J., thirty-three, went to a private doctor, he was told "we don't work with gay people here."111 Craig F., a health worker in northeast Jamaica, said that public health centers in the region have refused to treat men whom they believed to be homosexual and that he had heard health workers making abusive comments to gay and bisexual men. For example, one health worker told a gay man with gonorrhea that he was "nasty" and asked why he had sex with other men.112

Health care workers at public and private hospitals in Kingston parish told Human Rights Watch that patients at their institutions were treated the same as others, but noted that their clothes and linens were placed in specially marked bags and laundered separately; doctors and nurses used gloves when attending to them; and that when taking the blood pressure of a person living with HIV/AIDS, they put a "precautionary barrier" between the person's arm and the cuff. One health worker explained that "if a patient knows another person is HIV-positive, he won't use the same blood pressure cuff."120

Lena B., twenty-nine, was hospitalized for the last four months of her pregnancy at the regional medical center. Doctors and nurses there repeatedly chastised her in front of other staff and patients about having continued to have sex while living with HIV. A doctor who knew that she had worked as an HIV/AIDS educator told her that she "should have known better" not to have sex when she had HIV and chided her for proving a poor example for others. One of the nurses instructed the ward assistant not to serve Lena on plates that other patients might use; when that nurse was on duty, Lena had to use disposable dishware.

At the end of Lena's pregnancy, two doctors discussed the decision to give her an emergency caesarean section in the middle of the ward, "in front of a lot of people." The first doctor explained, "I'm g


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